Social media has proliferated modern life to the point where new businesses do not even have a chance of succeeding unless they curate an online presence before opening up shop. According to The Statistics Portal, more than 80 percent of Americans have at least one social media profile, and this number is only expected to rise in the coming years.

Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram can be great for staying in touch with friends and family, but you should always post with discretion. Even if you change your profile settings to “Private,” there are ways potential employers and opposing legal counsel can find photos and statuses that ultimately compromise your ability to secure a position or negotiate for a fair settlement.

If you are suffering from chronic pain after getting into a motor vehicle collision and you want to hold the liable driver accountable, contact The Law Office of Brian K. Branch, PC. Our primary areas of focus include serious personal injury, premises liability, wrongful death, and insurance bad faith. Call 505-207-4401 to schedule a free case evaluation with a back injury attorney in Albuquerque.

Read on to learn how you can protect yourself on social media after filing a personal injury claim:

  1. Avoid Posting Rants about the Defendant

If you are only connected to your friends and family members on Facebook or Twitter, your profile is essentially an echo chamber, which means everyone will like or agree with what you post. Thus, if you are feeling especially frustrated with the legal proceedings and you need to vent, your first instinct may be to post a rant on Facebook or Twitter because you know your friends will support you online.

As Forbes points out, though, this could end up backfiring. Even if you are only friends with approved individuals, your profile or posts may not necessarily be private, and posting long, negative rants about the defendant could make you come off as unhinged and bitter. This could paint the illusion that your lawsuit is based on “bad blood” more so than actual damages, which will ultimately hurt your ability to recover a fair settlement.

  1. Avoiding Posting Updates about Your Condition

Your friends and family may be concerned about your health after the accident, but you should not post about your injuries online. The opposing party can take anything you post out of context, which could end up compromising your case.

  1. Avoiding Posting Photos and Statuses about Your Social Life

If you go on vacation while recovering from your injuries, do not post about it on social media. Even if you used crutches the entire time, the opposing party can filter through your posts to find the ones that make it look as though you are exaggerating your injuries in your claim. You should also avoid posting photos of you and your friends going out together, and you should untag yourself in any such posts that others publish.

If you were hurt in a serious accident that was not your fault, contact The Law Office of Brian K. Branch, PC to discuss your options for pursuing compensation. A compassionate attorney from our team will prevent you from making social media mistakes early in the proceedings that could hurt your case.

Call 505-207-4401 to schedule a free consultation with a head injury lawyer in Albuquerque. You can learn more about personal injury claims in New Mexico by visiting